Crude Oil Distillation Simulator - CODS
– CODS (pronounced CÔDES) "distills" any 'cp' file to produce cuts according to user specifications.Method
– The 'cp' file contains the Antoine coefficients and critical temperature for each component. From this information the vapor pressure at any process temperature can be determined. Parenthetically, because the components won't crack in the computer it is possible to 'distill' to high temperatures at atmospheric pressure, allowing the user to ascertain atmospheric equivalent boiling points for the actual sample.Use
– Primarily used to distill crude oil by ASTM -D 2892 into pseudocomponents for ASSAY purposes. Atmospheric residues may be distilled by simulated D-1160 or D-5236. Pseudcomponents may be further distilled by the D-86 method. A quality feature of ASSAYS produced by CODS is that the distillations are performed identically each time. No more errors from inaccurate calibration of pressures, lower-than-specified stage efficiencies due to haste, or missed cutpoints. Once you specify the TCUTS file to suite your desired cutpoints for your LP input files, the computer does the simulation the same way on all your feedstock crudes.CODSä is also used to determine the non-ideal distillation behavior of Blends and mixes of process streams. If laboratory D-86 data is available it can be used to back-calculate the theoretical stage efficiency of upstream unit. This feature has been used by the process engineer to troubleshoot tray problems and could be used to troubleshoot pumparound problems. All distillation fractions can be viewed for their molecular composition to determine optimum cutpoints relative to sulfur or aromatics concentrations.
Development Status
– CODSä is completely developed and now available. More on CODSä